In Final Fantasy VI, Cyan Garamonde is one of the most beloved and unique characters. He is a stoic samurai from the Kingdom of Doma who joins the party after a heart-wrenching series of events. While Cyan is a formidable fighter, particularly with his Bushido ability, knowing where to go and what to do after you recruit him can make a big difference in your overall gameplay experience.
This guide will help you navigate the world of FF6 after Cyan joins your party, ensuring you don’t miss key events, characters, or powerful upgrades.
1. Understanding Cyan’s Abilities
Before jumping into where to go next, it’s important to understand Cyan’s abilities. His unique mechanic, Bushido, allows him to unleash powerful sword techniques depending on the number of commands you input. Mastering his abilities will be key to using him effectively in battles.
Bushido Abilities:
- Cyan’s Bushido abilities require you to input a series of directional commands during battle, and each attack can deal devastating damage.
- As you progress, Cyan gains more advanced Bushido techniques, each increasing in power and utility.
Take some time to experiment with his Bushido techniques and get used to their timing. This will make him an even more powerful addition to your team.
2. Where to Go After Getting Cyan
Once you recruit Cyan, the next steps depend on where you are in the story and what you want to do next. Typically, the game splits into two parts: before the World of Ruin and after. Cyan’s recruitment occurs during the World of Ruin section, so you’ll need to be ready for the challenges this area presents.
Continue the Main Storyline
After you recruit Cyan, you can follow the main storyline. The next major destination is:
- Kefka’s Tower: Before you head there, make sure you’ve recruited other party members. It’s crucial to build a strong party of characters with diverse abilities. You can go to places like Narshe, Zozo, and The Sealed Gate for additional story events and character recruitment.
If you’re unsure where to go next, head to Narshe, which serves as a pivotal location to progress through the story. You’ll face battles and potentially recruit more characters like Locke or Terra, depending on your journey.
As you advance in the World of Ruin, you’ll also encounter Celes and Sabin, who will add more depth to the party and provide support in the battles ahead.
Explore Optional Locations for Rewards
Even after getting Cyan, there are plenty of optional locations worth exploring in the World of Ruin. These places provide great rewards, such as new items, magic, or powerful weapons for Cyan.
- The Cave to the Sealed Gate: This area contains a wealth of items and offers key story insights as you continue to piece together the mysteries surrounding the World of Ruin. The cave also contains some useful battle rewards that can enhance your characters.
- The Returner’s Hideout: After getting Cyan, this location becomes important for progressing through the game, providing you with the chance to learn more about your mission and advance the story. Additionally, you’ll find some powerful items hidden here, including rare gear that will benefit Cyan’s fighting prowess.
Improve Cyan’s Equipment
As you journey through the World of Ruin, be sure to upgrade Cyan’s equipment. Since he is a physical attacker, focus on finding weapons that boost his attack power and offer additional bonuses like elemental resistances.
Here are some key items to look for:
- Katana and Sabre: These weapons will significantly improve Cyan’s effectiveness in battle.
- Genji Glove: A rare item that allows Cyan to equip two weapons, doubling his damage output. This is a must-have if you want to unlock Cyan’s full potential.
Training and Preparation for Kefka’s Tower
While exploring, be sure to engage in battles to level up Cyan. His Bushido abilities scale with his level, so it’s important to maximize his potential. If you haven’t done so yet, take some time to train in various locations such as South Figaro and The Fanatics Tower to increase his strength and unlock the higher-tier Bushido techniques.
3. Character Development and Plot Progression
One of the unique aspects of Cyan’s journey is his personal growth, particularly related to his tragic backstory involving the fall of his homeland, Doma. After recruiting Cyan in Final Fantasy VI, your journey takes on a new level of depth. After joining your party, Cyan’s grief and desire for revenge drive much of his character arc. To fully experience his story, you’ll need to follow key plot points and make choices that impact the narrative.
- Doma Castle: This is where Cyan’s backstory unfolds. If you haven’t yet visited this location in the World of Ruin, make sure to do so, as it provides essential context for his motivations.
- Events in the World of Ruin: Cyan’s journey is deeply personal. Pay attention to his interactions with other characters, especially in places like the Returner’s Hideout and Kefka’s Tower. These moments add emotional depth to the game and give you a clearer understanding of Cyan’s character.
4. Tips for Maximizing Cyan’s Potential
- Focus on Magic and Status Effects: While Cyan is a physical powerhouse, his Bushido techniques are even stronger when combined with status effects like Haste or Rage. Look for opportunities to cast these spells on Cyan during battle for an added edge.
- Use Cyan as a Tank: Cyan is naturally durable, making him an excellent choice for soaking up damage in high-level battles. Equip him with armor that enhances his defense, and use him as a frontline tank.
- Master His Bushido Techniques: Take the time to practice his Bushido attacks. Timing is key, and mastering them will make Cyan one of the strongest members of your team.
The combination of his powerful Bushido abilities, his personal storyline, and his strategic value in battle makes Cyan an invaluable member of your team. By following the tips in this guide, exploring key locations, and upgrading Cyan’s equipment, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the challenges ahead and unlocking the full potential of this tragic yet heroic character.
Keep progressing through the story, develop Cyan’s skills, and enjoy the rich world that Final Fantasy VI has to offer. Good luck, and may your journey be victorious!